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Publications - Google Scholar has an up-to-date list of Palter's publications, with links to journal web sites. 

Refereed Journal articles (* denotes mentored student or postdoc)


Friedland, KD, du Pontavice H, Palter JB, Townsend DW, Fratantoni P, Silver A, Gangopadhyay A. (2023). Regime change in northwest Atlantic sea surface temperatures revealed using a quantile approach. Regional Studies in Marine Science.


Palter, JB, Nickford S*, & Mu L*. (2023). Ocean carbon dioxide uptake in the tailpipe of industrialized continents. Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2023GL104822.

Ho, DT, Bopp L, Palter JB, Long MC, Boyd PW, Neukermans G, and Bach LT (2023) Monitoring, reporting, and verification for ocean alkalinity enhancement, in: Guide to Best Practices in Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement Research, edited by: Oschlies A, Stevenson A, Bach LT, Fennel K, Rickaby REM, Satterfield T, Webb R, and Gattuso J-P., Copernicus Publications, State Planet, 2-oae2023, 12,

Fennel K, Long MC, Algar C, Carter B, Keller D, Laurent A, Mattern JP, Musgrave R, Oschlies A, Ostiguy J, Palter JB, and Whitt DB. (2023). Modelling considerations for research on ocean alkalinity enhancement (OAE), in: Guide to Best Practices in Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement Research, edited by: Oschlies A, Stevenson A, Bach LT, Fennel K, Rickaby REM, Satterfield T, Webb R, and Gattuso J-P, Copernicus Publications, State Planet, 2-oae2023, 9,


*Mu, L., Palter, J. B., & Wang, H. (2023). Considerations for hypothetical carbon dioxide removal via alkalinity addition in the Amazon River watershed. EGUsphere, 1–17.


*Gonçalves Neto, A, Palter, JB, Xu, X., & Fratantoni, P. (2023). Temporal Variability of the Labrador Current Pathways Around the Tail of the Grand Banks at Intermediate Depths in a High-Resolution Ocean Circulation Model. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 128(3), e2022JC018756.


Rossby HT, Palter JB, Donohue K. (2022). What Can Hydrography Between the New England Slope, Bermuda and Africa Tell us About the Strength of the AMOC Over the Last 90 years? Geophysical Research Letters. doi: 10.1029/2022GL099173


M F Cronin,  S Swart,  C A Marandino,  C Anderson,  P Browne,  S Chen,  W R Joubert, U Schuster,  R Venkatesan,  C I Addey,  O Alves,  F Ardhuin,  S Battle,  M A Bourassa, Z Chen,  M Chory,  C Clayson,  R B de Souza,  M du Plessis,  M Edmondson,  J B Edson, S T Gille,  J Hermes,  V Hormann,  S A Josey,  M Kurz,  T Lee,  F Maicu,  E H Moustahfid, S-A Nicholson,  E S Nyadjro,  J Palter,  R G Patterson,  S G Penny,  L P Pezzi,  N Pinardi, J E J Reeves Eyre,  N Rome,  A C Subramanian,  C Stienbarger,  T Steinhoff,  A J Sutton, H Tomita,  S M Wills,  C Wilson,  L Yu. (2022). Developing an Observing Air–Sea Interactions Strategy (OASIS) for the global ocean. ICES Journal of Marine Science, fsac149.


*Nickford S, Palter JB, Donohue K, Fassbender AJ, Gray AR, Long J, Sutton AJ, Bates NR, Takeshita Y. (2022). Autonomous Wintertime Observations of Air-Sea Exchange in the Gulf Stream Reveal a Perfect Storm for Ocean CO2Uptake. Geophysical Research Letters. DOI:10.1029/2021GL096805.


Rossby HT, Omand M, Palter JB, Hebert D. 2021. On rates of isopycnal mixing at the submesoscale. Geophysical Research Letters.


*Gonçalves AMN, Langan, J, Palter JB.  Warming of the Northeast American continental shelf preceded by a shift in the Gulf Stream.  2021. Nature Communications Earth and Environment.

Gonçalves-Neto AM*, Palter JB, Bower A, Furey H, Xu X. (2020). Labrador Sea Water Transport Across the Charlie-Gibbs Fracture Zone.  Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans. 10.1029/2020JC016068


Palter JB, Ames EJ*, Benavides M, Gonçalves-Neto AM*, Granger J, Moisander PH, Watkins-Brandt JS, White AE. (2020). High N2 fixation in and near the Gulf Stream consistent with a circulation control of diazotrophy. Geophysical Research Letters. 10.1029/2020GL089103


Palter JB, Cook L*, Gonçalves-Neto AM*, Nickford S*, Bianchi D. (2019).  Sidebar 2. Acoustic backscatter patterns. Oceanography. 32:3. Link to web.


Robert E Todd with many others (2019). Global Perspectives on Observing Ocean Boundary Current Systems. Frontiers in Marine Science.


Claret M, Galbraith ED, Palter JB, Bianchi D, Fennel K, Gilbert D, Dunne JP. (2018). Rapid coastal deoxygenation due to large scale ocean circulation shift in the northwest Atlantic. Nature Climate Change.

See related press coverage: here


*Yamamoto A, Palter JB, Dufour C, Griffies SM, Frenger I, Bianchi D, Claret M, Dunne JP, Galbraith ED. (2018). Roles for the ocean mesoscale on the supply of mass and tracers to the Northern Hemisphere subtropical gyres. Journal of Geophsical Research – Oceans.


Conway T, Palter JB, De Souza G. (2018). The eddy-driven supply of iron to the subtropical North Atlantic. Nature Geoscience.


Palter JB, Frolicher T, Paynter D, John J. (2018). Climate, ocean circulation, and sea level changes under stabilization and overshoot pathways to 1.5K. Earth System Dynamics.


*Howatt T, Palter JB, deYoung B, Bachmayer R, Matthews R. (2018). Ekman and eddy exchange of freshwater and oxygen across the Labrador Current Shelf Break. Journal of Physical Oceanography.


Palter, JB, *Trossman D. (2018).  The influence of climate-driven changes in ocean circulation on ocean oxygenation. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. doi: 10.1002/2017GB005777


Galbraith ED, Merlis TM, JB Palter. (2016). Destabilization of glacial climate by the radiative impact of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation disruptions, Geophys. Res. Lett., 43(15), 8214–8221, doi:10.1002/2016GL069846.


*Trossman D, Palter JB, Merlis TM, Huang Y, Xia Y. (2016). An ocean circulation-cloud interaction reduces the pace of transient climate change. Geophysical Research Letters. doi: 10.1002/2016GL067931


*Yamamoto A, Palter JB. (2016). The absence of an Atlantic imprint on the multidecadal variability of wintertime European temperature. Nature Communications. 7:1093. 10.1038/ncomms10930.


Palter JB,  *Caron C-A, Lavender-Law K, Willis J, *Trossman D, Yashayaev I, Gilbert D.  (2016).  Variability of the directly-observed mid-depth subpolar North Atlantic circulation. Geophysical Research Letters. doi: 10.1002/2015GL067235.


Dufour CO, Griffies SM, de Souza GF, Frenger I, Morrison AK, Palter JB, Sarmiento JL, Galbraith ED, Dunne JP, Anderson WG, and Slater RD. (2015). Role of Mesoscale Eddies in Cross-Frontal Transport of Heat and Biogeochemical Tracers in the Southern Ocean. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 45, 3057–3081. doi:


*Yamamoto A, Palter JB, Lozier MS, Borqui M., Leadbetter S. (2015). Ocean versus atmospheric control on Western European wintertime temperature variability. Climate Dynamics. doi: 10.1007/s00382-015-2558-5.

Palter JB.  The role of the Gulf Stream in Europe’s climate. (2015). Annual Review of Marine Science.  Volume 7:113-137. doi: 10.1146/annurev-marine-010814-015656


Bernardello R, Marinov I, Palter JB, Galbraith ED.  (2014).  Impact of Weddell Sea convection on anthropogenic carbon uptake in a coupled model. Geophysical Research Letters.40: 7262–7269 doi: 10.1002/2014GL061313


Griffies, SM, Yin J, Durack PJ, Goddard P, Bates SC, Behrens E, Bentsen M, Bi D, Biastoch A, Böning CW, Bozec A, Chassignet E, Danabasoglu G, Danilov S, Domingues CM, Drange H, Farneti R, Fernandez E, Greatbatch RJ, Holland DM, Ilicak M, Large WG, Lorbacher K, Lu J, Marsland SJ, Mishra A, Nurser AJG, Salas y Mélia D, Palter JB, Samuels BL, Schröter J, Schwarzkopf FU, Sidorenko D, Treguier AM, Tseng Y, Tsujino H, Uotila P, Valcke S, Voldoire A, Wang Q, Winton M, Zhang X. (2014). An Assessment of Global and Regional Sea Level for Years 1993–2007 in a Suite of Interannual CORE-II Simulations. Ocean Modelling 78: 35–89. doi: 10.1016/j.ocemod.2014.03.004

*DeLavergne C, Palter JB, Galbraith ED, Bernardello R, Marinov I. (2014). Cessation of Weddell Sea convection due to climate warming. Nature Climate Change. 4, 278-282. doi: 10.1038/NCLIMATE2132.


Bernardello R, Marinov I, Palter JB, Sarmiento JL, Galbraith ED, Slater RD. (2014). Response of the Ocean Carbon Pumps to Projected 21st Century Climate Change. Journal of Climate. doi:


Palter JB, Griffies SM, Galbraith ED, Gnanadesikan A. Samuels B, Klocker A. (2014). The driving processes of the deep ocean buoyancy budget and their temporal variability. Journal of Climate. doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-13-00016.1


Pastor MV, Palter JB, Pelegrí JL, Dunne JP. (2013). Physical drivers of interannual chlorophyll variability in the eastern subtropical North Atlantic. Journal of Geophysical Research. doi: 10.1002/jgrc.20254.


Yang S, Galbraith E, Palter JB. (2013). Coupled climate impacts of the Drake Passage and Panama Seaway. Climate Dynamics. doi:10.1007/s00382-013-1809-6.


Palter, JB, Lozier MS, Sarmiento JL, and Williams RG. (2011). The supply of excess phosphate across the Gulf Stream and the maintenance of subtropical nitrogen fixation, Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 25, GB4007, doi: 10.1029/2010GB003955.


Lozier, MS, Dave AC, Palter JB, Gerber LM, and Barber RT. (2011). On the relationship between stratification and primary productivity in the North Atlantic, Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L18609, doi:10.1029/2011GL049414.


Griffies SM, Winton M, Donner LJ, Downes SM, Farneti R, Gnanadesekin A, Horowitz L, Hurlin W, Lee H-C, Palter JB, Samuels BL, Wittenberg A, Wyman B, Yin J. (2011). GFDL's CM3 Coupled Climate Model: Characteristics of the Ocean and Sea Ice Simulations. Journal of Climate, 24, 3520–3544. doi: 10.1175/2011JCLI3964.1.


Palter JB, Sarmiento JL, Gnanadesikan A, Simeon, J, Slater RD. (2010).  Fueling primary productivity: Nutrient return pathways from the deep ocean to the low-latitude euphotic zone. Biogeosciences, 7(11), 3549-3568, doi: 10.5194/bg-7-3549-2010.


Marshall J, Andersson A,  Dewar W, Doney S, Edson J, Ferrari R, Forget G, Fratantoni D, Gregg M, Joyce T, Kelly K,  Lozier S, Lumpkin R, Maze G, Palter JB, Samelson R, Silverthorne K, Skyllingstad E, Straneo F, Talley L, Toole J and Weller R. (2009). CLIMODE: A Mode Water Dynamics Experiment in Support of CLIVAR. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 90, 1337-1350. doi:10.1175/2009BAMS2706.1.


Palter JB, Lozier MS, Lavender KL. (2008). How does Labrador Sea Water enter the Deep Western Boundary Current? Journal of Physical Oceanography, 38(5), 968–983. doi: 10.1175/2007JPO3807.1.


Palter JB, Lozier MS. (2008).  On the source of Gulf Stream nutrients.  Journal of Geophysical Research—Ocean Science, 113, C06018, doi: 10.1029/2007JC004611.


Hanshaw, MN, Lozier MS, and Palter JB. (2008). Integrated impact of tropical cyclones on sea surface chlorophyll in the North Atlantic, Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L01601, doi:10.1029/2007GL031862.


Palter JB, León SD, Ballestero D. (2007). The distribution of nutrients, dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll a in the Gulf of Nicoya, Costa Rica. International Journal of Tropical Biology and Conservation, 55(2): 427-436. ISSN-0034-7744.


Palter JB, Lozier MS, Barber RT. (2005). The effect of advection on the nutrient reservoir of the North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre. Nature, 437, 687-692. doi:10.1038/nature03969.


Book Chapters


Lévy M, Resplandy L, Palter JB, Couespel D, Lachkar Z. (2022). Chapter 13 - The crucial contribution of mixing to present and future ocean oxygen distribution, Editor(s): Michael Meredith, Alberto Naveira Garabato, Ocean Mixing, Elsevier, pp 329-344,


Trossman DM*, Palter JB. (2020). Changing Ocean Currents. Oceans and Human Health, ed. Kevin Conrad. Springer Press.


Palter JB, Sarmiento JL, Marinov I, Gruber N. (2013). Large scale nutrient fronts of the world ocean: impacts on biogeochemistry.  In Chemical Oceanography of Frontal Zones, ed. Igor Belkin, Springer Publishing. doi: 10.1007/698_2013_241. 


Other publications


Fassbender, AJ, Palter JB, Long MC, Ito T, Bishop SP, and Cronin MF, 2018: Ocean Carbon Hot Spots. A Joint US CLIVAR and OCB Workshop Report, 2018-3, 34pp., doi:10.5065/D6Z036ZS.


Gray A, Palter JB.  (2017).   The role of western boundary current regions in the global carbon cycle. CliVar Variations.13:2. doi:10.5065/D6SJ1JB2


Rossby HT, Curry R, Palter JB. (2017). Packing Science into a Shipping Vessel. Meeting Report in EOS.


Palter JB.  (2015). News and Views: Ocean storms bring nutrients to light. 525: 460-461. Nature. doi:10.1038/525460a.


Marinov I, Bernardello R, Palter JB. (2015) Present and projected climate variability at high latitudes and its impact on the ocean carbon cycle. CliVar Variations. 13:2. pp 16-21.


Griffies, SM and 34 others.  (2013). An assessment of global and regional sea level in a suite of interannual CORE-II simulations: a synopsis. CliVar Exchanges. 62 (18, No. 2). pp 11-15.


Bigorre S, Weller R, Lord J, Lund J, Palter JB, Tupper G.  (2007). CLIVAR Mode Water Dynamics Experiment (CLIMODE).  Fall 2006 R/V Oceanus Voyage 434.  Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.  Woods Hole, MA.  UOP Technical Report 2007-03. 


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